Alphabetized list of all the columns available in MetroTrader and what they mean.
Account Account name
Activation Rule Order activation rule (if specified)
Ask Ask price from the market data feed
Attributes Security attributes or characteristics
Avg Fill Price Average price at which orders in a position are filled, calculated as weighted average by trades contributing to the current open net position using FIFO methodology
Bid Bid price from the market data feed
Cash Effect The value of the cash transaction - negative value will be debited from the user account, positive value will be credited
Commission Commission fees paid for the trade
Days Till Last Trade Days left until the last trading day
Description Instrument description (issuer and instrument details)
Duration Order duration (ATC, DAY, DAY+, FOK, GTC, GTD, IOC)
Expiration Date Instrument expiration date
Fee Fee amount (can include ECN, SEC, TAF fees)
Fill/Cancel Time Time of order filling or cancelling
First Notice Date First notice date for futures contracts
High High price for the current trading day
HTB/ETB Hard To Borrow/Easy To Borrow indicator
Instrument Type Instrument type (ETF, Index, Option, Stock, Warrant)
Last Last traded price
Limit Down Lower price limit for trading
Limit Offset Distance value for limit offset
Limit Offset % Percentage value for limit offset
Limit Price Limit price for orders with a Limit condition
Limit Up Upper price limit for trading
Low Low price for the current trading day
Maintenance Margin Maintenance margin calculated as MAX(Rule1, Rule2... RuleN) based on the rules defined in settings
Mark Mark price
Net Chng Net change in price
Net Chng % Net change as a percentage
Order ID A unique order identifier for the order chain
Order Type Order type (LOC, Limit, MOC, Market, Stop Limit, Stop Market, Trailing Stop, Trailing Stop Limit)
Position Qty Position quantity, can be fractional
Prev Close Previous day's closing price
Side Order/trade side, can be:
- Buy
- Buy To Close
- Buy To Cover
- Buy To Open
- Sell
- Sell Short
- Sell To Close
- Sell To Open
Position side (Long or Short)
Status Order status (Cancelled, Cancelling, Expired, Filled, Inactive, Placed, Rejected, Replacing, Sending, Under Review, Waiting activation, Waiting limit, Waiting stop, Working)
Stop Offset Distance value for stop offset
Stop Offset % Percentage value for stop offset
Stop Price Stop price for orders with a Stop condition
Symbol Instrument symbol/name
Time Order issue time (in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS format)
Trade Code A numerical code assigned to the trade execution
Trade Cost The trade cost against the account balance
Trade Price The price at which the trade was executed
Trade Quantity The quantity of the trade execution, which can be fractional
Transaction Code Unique transaction identifier code
Transaction Description Detailed transaction description
Transaction Type Type of transaction (e.g., Adjustment, Commission, Trade, Withdrawal, Deposit, Dividend, etc.)
Underlying The underlying instrument symbol (particularly relevant for derivatives)